Producing thoughtful content to push companies – and their employees – to become their best selves.

Mentions and Features

Here are a few of the 75+ publications I’ve been featured in


Other publications include CIO Index, Workplace Legal, American Psychological Association Center for Organizational Excellence, HR Leader, Quickbooks, The American Institute of Stress, Military Hire, Stand Up To Bullying, Progressive Human Resource Management, CEO Report, Wintrust Mortage, Cardozo Law Journal, Houston Chronicle, and more.

Podcasts, Summits, & Lives

Here are some of the podcasts, summits and live events I’ve spoken at


Build Connections and Attract Professional Opportunities Through Raw Storytelling

Keeping Remote Sales Teams Engaged And Connected

Women And Workplace Bullying

Getting To Know A Global HR & Culture Thought Leader


Focus On Your People To Make A Difference

Raising Awareness On Workplace Bullying & Accountability

Finding Purpose In Pain

Let Go To Grow

Ditch The Stress And Step Into Your Highest Self